Congratulations! You’ve received your Pilates teaching certification and you’re ready to set up shop or hit the studios. Super exciting times. As you get into the swing of your new career you can start to consider what sort of work you want to focus on. Why being a pregnancy specialist is a good idea One […]

Starting Out: The things I got right and the things I wish I knew

Entering into a new career is a big life change and is often scary.  This is especially the case if you have personal and financial obligations to negotiate. In this blog post I’ve put together two lists to help you navigate starting out.  First, a list of things I got right and wouldn’t do differently. […]

Starting Out: How to successfully start your freelance pilates career

To pursue your passion as a career is a gift that eludes most people. Successful pilates teachers are extremely lucky to make a living out of something that is fun and brings so much joy to both themselves and clients.  Often, it is a second career which is great because this is a vocation where […]

FAMI Level 2: A Closer Look At The Spine

Over the past year I have become quietly evangelical about the FAMI workshop, a New York based movement programme.  Their strapline sums them up neatly: where movement meets medicine. In June I spent four days studying with them in NYC. It was mind-blowing: doctors, pilates teachers, physical therapists all on hand for four days of […]

5 Reasons to love Pilates

Over the past 10 years Pilates has enjoyed explosive worldwide growth and popularity. #Pilates has 11.6M posts on Instagram. It will probably be a few hundred more tomorrow. New studios are popping up every week and teacher training programmes are becoming increasingly oversubscribed. As a method of exercise it is truly transformative, which is probably […]

Pilates and Yoga: Sisters, Cousins or Unrelated?

Pilates and Yoga: Sisters, Cousins or Unrelated? The difference between Yoga and Pilates has been written about and discussed again and again (and again) in the wellness community. This post isn’t intended to be an exhaustive checklist of differences and similarities. I’m not looking to shine a more favorable light on one over the other. It’s […]